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Craft Beer Spotlight: New Holland Dragon’s Milk

New Holland Brewing Dragon's Milk

Dragon’s Milk By New Holland Brewing

We like to think of craft beer as something that is still new. The same thought applies to barrel-aged beers. But for some breweries, they’ve been barrel-aging beer for a while now. For example, New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk was first brewed in 2001.

That’s a long time considering most craft breweries have been around for less than 5 years.

Let’s take a look at this bourbon barrel-aged stout and how it has survived the test of time.

Review Of New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk

I’m guilty of it and I am sure you are too. We line up and spend top dollar to get the latest greatest release. And often it’s a barrel-aged beer that we are trying to get our hands on.

There’s something amazing about getting a limited release stout that’s spent some time in the barrel previously used for aging bourbon or another spirit.

But in a never ending pursuit for what is new, we can often overlook what’s right in front of us.

Dragon’s Milk is available year round. That’s right, New Holland produces this beer throughout the entire year. This means that you don’t have to wait in line once a year.

They do make variants of this barrel-aged stout which are limited – but we will get to that later.

New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk has an ABV of 11% and IBUs of 31. It’s sold throughout the Midwest and East coast in four packs for around $16.

Here is how New Holland describes Dragon’s Milk:

The beer you hold in your hand, Dragon’s Milk Ale, is a crown jewel of New Holland Brewing Company. It is the unrivaled result of painstaking processes – both creative and scientific.

We could tell you about the centuries-old tradition of the term, Dragon’s Milk, or we could tell you about the history, craftsmanship and challenges of what’s important, the beer inside this bottle.

Roasty malt character intermingled with deep vanilla tones, all dancing in an oak bath.

Initial Thoughts

As expected, this stout pours pitch black. No light passes through a stout this dark.

The head on this beer is minimal and white. It dissipates almost immediately.

The aroma is a sweet bourbon with roasted notes as well.

Tasting Notes

Before craft beer, I enjoyed bourbon. So drinking anything aged in bourbon barrels is a treat.

Dragon’s Milk provides a moderate level of bourbon and just enough boozy heat. This is welcomed as some stouts aged in barrels will have a harsh, boozy bite to them.

In addition to the bourbon, there’s ample amounts of roasted barley, dark chocolate and a sweet touch of vanilla. All of these flavors meld to make a really great stout.

The body is a touch thin compared to many others in the category but that’s probably my only critique.

Final Thoughts

For a barrel-aged stout that I can pick up any time, I can’t find much fault in Dragon’s Milk.

It’s got strong aroma and flavor but isn’t heavy or harsh. This means it’s as easy going as it is strong.

If you haven’t tried Dragon’s Milk, I highly recommend it. This is a stout that I drink on a regular basis and recommend to those wanting to get into barrel-aged beers but aren’t willing to wait in line for a limited release.


Sometimes it’s best to keep experimenting even after you’ve created something great.

New Holland Brewing continues to try new versions of this stout in what they call Dragon’s Milk Reserve.

Here are the variants you can look for in 2018:

Here are some that were offered in the past:

I’ve had a good amount of the variants and I am always impressed. They do a great job of adding new flavors without jeopardizing the original ones.

The added flavors bring in some additional sweetness which is always something I enjoy in a barrel-aged beer.

These variants see wide distribution but in limited amounts so they sell out very fast. If you see one of the Reserve variants, buy it – you won’t be disappointed.

Related Post: Barrel-Aged Stout You Need To Try


There’s nothing wrong with waiting in line for the latest release. But don’t look past a beer just because it’s available year round.

New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk is the perfect example of such a beer. It’s delicious and you can pick some up today.

If you are new to craft beer and not sure if you’ll like a bourbon barrel-aged stout, this is a great place to start. The price point is reasonable and it’s a great example of this style.

And for those of us that consider craft beer to be more than a hobby, it’s the perfect stout to have on-hand for when you get a bourbon barrel-aged craving.

Have You Tried New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk?

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